Cope, 13-15th century?
In German: Seidenkasel mit perlbesticktem Krenz Siede: Italien (?), 2 Halfte 13 Jh.,

Krenz: Niedersachsen (Braunschwieg?), 3 Viertel 15 Jh.

Pictures from Jonalee Crabb, from "Stadt im Wandel: Kunst und Kultur des Bürgetums
in Norddeutchland 1150-1650", listed in full in bibliography.
Design and original content Copyright 2000-2003 Jen Funk Segrest (Elspeth Grizel of Dunfort) - all pictures/photos of items solely belong to owners/publishers and are offered here for educational research purposes only and not for any profit whatsoever. Hosted by Verve.